Body Procedures

Abdominoplasty Controversies – Drains vs. Drainless Technique

What You Need to Know about Drains for Abdominoplasty

An abdominoplasty involves removing excess skin and fat, tightening abdominal muscles, and repositioning the belly button for a smoother, firmer contour. Choosing to undergo this type of surgery is a significant decision. That’s why Sydney Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Bish Soliman and his team are dedicated to providing complete information, addressing your concerns, and guiding you towards the best approach for your unique needs.

One area where patients often have questions is the use of surgical drains for abdominoplasty. Traditionally, drains have been considered a standard part of tummy tuck – abdominoplasty recovery, but a newer, drainless technique is gaining popularity. In this blog post, we’ll get into the drains vs. drainless debate, exploring the pros and cons of each method.

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The Role of Drains in Abdominoplasty

During an abdominoplasty, your surgeon meticulously creates a firmer abdomen by removing excess skin and fat, tightening underlying muscles, and repositioning your belly button. This process inevitably leads to the separation of skin and tissue layers.

This “gap” in your abdominal area has the potential to accumulate fluid, a natural by-product of your body’s healing response. This fluid build-up, known as a seroma, can be problematic for several reasons. Seromas can:

  • Delay healing: Fluid accumulation can interfere with the normal healing process, like waterlogging a plant and hindering its growth.
  • Increase the risk of infection: Seromas can create a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the risk of infection and potentially jeopardising your recovery.
  • Impact the final aesthetic outcome: Large seromas can distort the newly created contours of your abdomen, affecting the overall aesthetic result of your tummy tuck – abdominoplasty.

To prevent these complications, surgeons have traditionally relied on surgical drains. These small, flexible tubes, strategically placed under the skin near the surgical site, act like tiny drainage ditches, passively channelling excess fluid away from the area. The drains are connected to bulbs or reservoirs that collect the fluid, allowing your surgical team to monitor the drainage and ensure it’s progressing as expected.

Typically, drains remain in place for several days to a week following your abdominoplasty, depending on the extent of the procedure and the amount of drainage. While generally effective in preventing seromas, drains, unfortunately, aren’t without their downsides:

  • Discomfort and inconvenience: Having tubes protruding from your abdomen isn’t the most comfortable sensation. Drains can restrict movement, snag on clothing, and require careful management at home, including emptying and measuring the fluid.
  • Risk of infection: While relatively rare, the presence of drains does create an additional entry point for bacteria, slightly increasing the risk of infection.
  • Scars: Although usually minimal and well-hidden within the natural contours of your abdomen, drain sites can sometimes leave small scars.

These drawbacks have led to the exploration and increasing popularity of drainless abdominoplasty techniques, which we’ll discuss next.

Drainless Approach for Abdominoplasty

The drainless abdominoplasty technique represents a shift in surgical philosophy, moving away from reliance on external devices and towards harnessing the body’s remarkable capacity for self-healing. By addressing the potential for fluid accumulation from within, the drainless approach aims to provide patients with a smoother, more comfortable recovery.

So, how does it work? The key lies in a combination of precise surgical technique and strategic wound closure:

  • Progressive tension sutures (quilting sutures): During a drainless tummy tuck – abdominoplasty, your surgeon employs a specialised suturing technique called progressive tension sutures, often referred to as “quilting sutures.” These sutures are strategically placed in multiple layers, not only closing the incision but also gently compressing the tissues beneath the skin. This compression helps to eliminate dead space where fluid could otherwise accumulate, encouraging the tissues to adhere closely and heal uniformly.
  • Minimising dead space: By carefully repositioning and securing the abdominal muscles and tissues, your surgeon minimises any potential gaps or “dead space” where fluid could collect.
  • Additional techniques: To further enhance fluid reabsorption and minimise the risk of seroma, some surgeons incorporate additional techniques, such as:
    • Fibrin sealant: This biological adhesive acts like a natural “glue,” sealing any tiny spaces between tissues and promoting faster healing.
    • Internal quilting sutures: These sutures are placed beneath the muscle layer to provide additional support and compression, further reducing the potential for fluid build-up.

Weighing the Advantages and Considerations of Drainless Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty

The drainless approach offers a compelling array of potential benefits for patients considering a tummy tuck – abdominoplasty:


  • Improved comfort: Imagine waking up from surgery without the discomfort and restriction of drains. The drainless technique allows for greater freedom of movement, making it easier to get around, sleep comfortably, and manage daily activities.
  • Faster recovery: Without the need for drain management, patients often experience a quicker return to their normal routines. You might be able to shower sooner, resume light activities more quickly, and enjoy a more streamlined recovery process.
  • Reduced risk of infection: By eliminating the need for external drains, the drainless technique removes a potential entry point for bacteria, potentially lowering the risk of infection and promoting a smoother healing journey.
  • Potentially less scarring: Without drain sites, there’s no risk of scarring specifically associated with drain placement. The focus shifts solely to the incision itself, which your surgeon will meticulously close to promote optimal healing and a discreet result.


While the drainless technique offers advantages, it’s essential to approach this approach with a balanced perspective and acknowledge the potential considerations:

  • Potential for seroma: Although the risk is significantly minimised with meticulous surgical technique, the absence of drains may lead to a slightly higher likelihood of seroma formation in some patients. Factors such as individual anatomy, medical history, and the extent of the procedure can influence this risk.
  • Surgeon experience: The success of the drainless technique hinges on the surgeon’s skill and experience.

Seroma Risks with the Drainless Technique

Here’s a closer look at the factors that can contribute to seroma development after a drainless abdominoplasty:

  1. Individual Anatomy and Physiology:
  • Larger Body Mass Index (BMI): Patients with a higher BMI tend to have a larger amount of subcutaneous tissue and lymphatic fluid, potentially increasing the risk of fluid accumulation.
  • Pre-existing Lymphatic System Issues: Any pre-existing conditions affecting the lymphatic system, which plays a crucial role in fluid drainage, may increase the likelihood of seroma formation.
  1. Extent of Surgery:
  • More Extensive Procedures: Tummy tucks – abdominoplasties involving a larger area of dissection, such as those combined with muscle repair or liposuction, may have a slightly higher risk of seroma due to the increased disruption of lymphatic vessels.
  1. Medical History:
  • Smoking: Smoking significantly impairs wound healing and increases the risk of complications, including seroma formation.
  • Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can also hinder healing and increase the risk of fluid build-up.
  • Previous Surgery: Previous abdominal surgeries can create scar tissue, potentially disrupting lymphatic flow and increasing the risk of seroma.
  1. Post-Operative Factors:
  • Non-Compliance with Post-Op Instructions: Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions diligently, including wearing compression garments, limiting activity, and attending follow-up appointments, is essential for minimising seroma risk.
  • Strenuous Activity Too Soon: Engaging in strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects before your body has adequately healed can increase pressure on the surgical site and potentially lead to fluid accumulation.

Important Note: It’s important to remember that seroma formation is a potential risk with any abdominoplasty procedure, whether performed with or without drains. The drainless technique, when performed meticulously, aims to minimise this risk by promoting natural fluid reabsorption.

Techniques Used By Dr Soliman to Promote Natural Fluid Reabsorption and Reduce Seroma Risk

Dr Soliman combines his extensive surgical expertise with a deep understanding of the body’s natural healing mechanisms to promote optimal fluid reabsorption and minimise the potential for seroma. Here’s a closer look at his approach:

Meticulous Tissue Handling:

Dr Soliman prioritises gentle and respectful tissue handling throughout every step of the surgical process. By minimising trauma to the surrounding tissues and lymphatic vessels, he creates an optimal environment for healing and reduces the likelihood of excessive fluid build-up.

Precision in Progressive Tension Sutures:

Mastering the art of progressive tension sutures, also known as quilting sutures, is crucial for the success of the drainless technique. Dr Soliman’s placement of these sutures not only closes the incision but also gently compresses the tissues in a layered fashion. This compression helps to eliminate dead space where fluid could accumulate, encouraging the tissues to adhere closely and heal uniformly.

Strategic Use of Internal Sutures:

In addition to the progressive tension sutures, Dr Soliman may employ internal sutures to further enhance fluid reabsorption and minimise seroma risk. These sutures are strategically placed beneath the muscle layer to provide additional support and compression, further reducing the potential for fluid build-up.

Incorporation of Fibrin Sealant (When Appropriate):

Dr Soliman may recommend the use of fibrin sealant in specific cases to further bolster seroma prevention. This biological adhesive acts like a natural “glue,” sealing any tiny spaces between tissues and promoting faster, more secure healing.

Post-Operative Care:

Dr Soliman believes that successful surgery extends beyond the operating room. He provides his patients with clear post-operative instructions, emphasising the importance of:

  • Wearing Compression Garments: Compression garments play a vital role in minimising fluid buildup by providing consistent, gentle pressure to the surgical site, promoting lymphatic drainage, and supporting the newly contoured tissues.
  • Gradual Return to Activity: Dr Soliman provides personalised guidance on gradually increasing activity levels, ensuring that patients avoid strenuous movements or heavy lifting that could strain the healing tissues and increase seroma risk.
  • Regular Follow-Up Appointments: Close monitoring of the healing process is essential. Dr Soliman schedules regular follow-up appointments to assess healing progress, address any concerns, and intervene promptly if necessary.

FAQs about Abdominoplasty Drain vs. Drainless Technique

If my surgeon prefers drains, does that mean they’re less skilled?

  • Not at all! Drain use is a complex decision based on the surgeon’s training, your individual case, and even evolving research. Some surgeons have excellent results with drains, and some patients are better suited for them regardless of technique. It’s about the best approach for you, not a judgment of skill.

Aside from seromas, are there other risks unique to the drainless method?

  • While seroma is the most discussed, any time an incision is closed (with or without drains), there’s a theoretical risk of haematoma (blood collection). This is why post-op monitoring is vital, as early signs can be addressed.

I’m concerned about pain. Is one method known to be more painful afterwards?

  • Pain perception is very individual, but generally, drainless patients report less discomfort since the drain tubes themselves can pull and irritate. However, everyone receives pain management tailored to their needs.

Does insurance cover both techniques equally, or are there cost differences?

  • This is complex and depends on your specific policy. Often, the reason for surgery (functional vs. cosmetic) impacts coverage more than the drain choice. It’s best to contact your insurer for clarity.

If I have a drainless tummy tuck, will my recovery really be that much faster?

  • It varies, but generally, yes. The biggest difference is the type of activity you resume. With drains, even light tasks can be cumbersome. Drainless allows for more “normal” movement earlier, even if strenuous activity is still restricted.

Further Reading about Abdominoplasty Surgery with Sydney Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Bish Soliman

Medical References about Abdominoplasty Drain vs. Drainless Technique

Bish Soliman FRACS(Plas) Plastic Surgeon